Presentaciones de la Black Hat 2011

Ya disponemos de las presentaciones que se dieron en la Black Hat 2011. Os dejo el listado de las charlas a las que han subido la documentación: How a Hacker Has Helped Influence the Government - and Vice Versa Video Faces Of Facebook-Or, How The Largest Real ID Database In The World Came To Be White Paper Slides Video Security When Nano-seconds Count White Paper Slides Automated Detection of HPP Vulnerabilities in Web Applications White Paper Slides Exploiting Siemens Simatic S7 PLCs White Paper Slides Femtocells: A poisonous needle in the operator's hay stack White Paper Post Memory Corruption Memory Analysis White Paper Beyond files undeleting: OWADE White Paper Slides Physical Memory Forensics for Cache White Paper Slides Lives On The Line: Defending Crisis Maps in Libya, Sudan, and Pakistan White Paper Slides Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity–(AKA) CYBERLAW: A Year in Review, Cases, issues, your questions my (alleged) answers White Paper Slides Apple iOS Security Evaluation: Vulnerability Analysis and Data Encryption White Paper Slides Mobile Malware Madness, and How To Cap the Mad Hatters White Paper Slides USB: Undermining Security Barriers White Paper Slides Bit-squatting: DNS Hijacking without exploitation White Paper Slides Virtualization Under Attack: Breaking out of KVM White Paper Slides Exploiting the iOS Kernel White Paper Slides Spy-Sense: Spyware Tool for Executing Stealthy Exploits Against Sensor Networks White Paper Slides The Law of Mobile Privacy and Security Slides Smartfuzzing The Web: Carpe Vestra Foramina White Paper Slides Hacking Google Chrome OS White Paper Slides Don't Drop the SOAP: Real World Web Service Testing for Web Hackers White Paper Slides Archivo1 Archivo2 Chip & PIN is definitely broken White Paper Slides ARM exploitation ROPmap Slides Windows Hooks of Death: Kernel Attacks Through User-Mode Callbacks White Paper Slides SSL And The Future Of Authenticity Video Hacking .
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