The MagPi número 12

Nos llega un nuevo número de la revista 100% orientada a Raspberry Pi. En este doceavo ejemplar pomos encontrar el siguiente contenido: A year of The MagPi GUIDE BEGINNERS THIS MONTH'S EVENTS GUIDE SWEETBOX II RASPBERRY PI OPERATING SYSTEMS STAR LETTER PRINTING WITH CUPS 2 AN INTERVIEW WITH PETE LOMAS MAKING MUSIC WITH SCHISM COMPETITION BASH GAFFER TAPE SCRATCH PATCH FEEDBACK Las puedes leer desde aquí o descargarla en formato PDF.
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The MagPI #5

En este nuevo número de esta magnífica revista enfocada al Raspberry Pi, podemos entrar el siguiente contenido: STEADY HANDS Are your hands stready enough to beat the Pi? by Mike Cook ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Track temperature fluctuations. by Duncan Rowland. WHAT'S ON GUIDE & COMPETITION Find out where Raspberry Jams' are happening and win a starter kit XBMC: Raspbmc and OpenELEC Get to grips with your media centre setup. by Colin Deady SQUEEZE VS WHEEZY Improvements and changes.
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