Material de Hack In The Box Amsterdam 2016

Aquí os dejo para el fin de semana el material publicado de la Hack In The Box 2016 celebrada en Amsterdam: CLOSING KEYNOTE - Sophia D Antoine - Hardware Side Channels in Virtualized Environments.pdf D1 COMMSEC - Elisabeth de Leeuw - Unformation in the Era of Hyper Connectivity.pdf D1 COMMSEC - Marc Newlin - Applying Regulatory Data to IoT RF Reverse Engineering.pdf D1 COMMSEC - Martin Knobloch - Don't Feed the Hippos.
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Presentaciones de la Hack in Paris 2013

Se han publicado la mayoría de las presentaciones dadas en la Hack in Paris 2013 celebrada del 17 al 21 de junio. La lista es la siguiente: Remoting android applications for fun and profit Windows Phone 8 application security I'm in your browser, pwning your stuff - Attacking Google Chrome extensions Origin policy enforcement in modern browsers Web Applications Forensics DBI Frameworks applied to computer security : Uses and comparative The Realex payments application security story, narrated by Security Ninja The Control of technology by nation state : Past, Present and Future - The Case of Cryptology and information security Burp Pro : Real-life tips and tricks Malware vs Virtualization : The endless cat and mouse play Next generation rootkits for ARM based devices The inner HTML Apocalypse : How MXSS attacks change everything we believed to know so far
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Presentaciones de la C++Now 2013

Ya están disponibles las presentaciones de la C++Now 2013 celebrada en Aspen, Colorado. Una conferencia que reúne a un número importante de expertos en el lenguaje de programación C++. Jeff Garland:Library in a Week: C++11 & Boost Cookbook (I) Rob Stewart: Survey of Multi-Threaded Programming Support in C++11 and Boost Boris Schäling: Containers in Boost Tony Van Eerd: Low Level Threading with C++11 Leor Zolman: A Zephyr Overview of C++11 Eric Niebler: A First Look at Proto-0x | PPTX Format Tony Van Eerd: Non-Allocating std::future/promise Ábel Sinkovics: Boosting MPL with Haskell elements Chandler Carruth: Keynote: Optimizing the Emergent Structures of C++ Scott Schurr: Sweating the Small Stuff: Brace Initialization, Unions and Enums | Code for AnyString David Sankel: The Intellectual Ascent to Agda pptx Hartmut Kaiser, Vinay Amatya: HPX: A C++ Standards Compliant Runtime System For Asynchronous Parallel And Distributed Computing Edouard Alligand: Scaling with C++11 John Bandela: Easy Binary Compatible C++ Interfaces Across Compilers | PPT Format Dominik Charousset, Matthias Vallentin: libcppa – Designing an Actor Semantic for C++11 Stanley Lippman: Keynote: yet another paradigm shift – A Meta4 model of concurrency | pptx Format Joel de Guzman: Inside Spirit X3: Redesigning Boost.
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Presentaciones de la NoSuchCon

Aquí tenemos disponibles las diapositivas de las charlas que se impartieron en la NoSuchCon 2013 celebrada del 15 al 17 de mayo de este año. j00ru_Abusing_the_Windows_Kernel Alex_Ninjas_and_Harry_Potter goodspeed_Nifty_Tricks_and_Sage Advice_for_Shellcode_on_Embedded_Systems Nicolas_Gregoire_XSLT_Fuzzing Saumil_Deadly_Pixels Itzik_Pythonect-Fu Butterworth_BIOS_Chronomancy Ridley_ARM_Exploitation_And_Hardware_Hacking Eric_heap_mannipulation KNohl_Immobilizer_Security Richard_Taint_Nobody_Got_Time_for_Crash_Analysis ONAPSIS_Attacks_on_SAP_TMS Aaron_Crashdmpster_Diving_Win8 Nikita_Exploiting_Hardcore_Pool_Corruptions_in_Microsoft_Windows_Kernel Alex&Timur_XML_Out_Of_Band Pedro_Revisiting_MacOSX_Kernel_Rootkits Ferrante_Auriemma_Exploiting_Game_Engines Sergey_Any_Input_is_a_program Adrien_Robinson_Arsenic_Framework
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Presentaciones de la SyScan 2013

Ya podemos descargarnos casi todas las presentaciones de SyScan 2013, conferencia sobre seguridad celebrada en Singapur del 22 al 26 de abril. Las lista de las mismas es la siguiente (los enlaces son archivos zip): Checking the Boundaries of Static Analysis OptiCode: Machine Code Deobfuscation for Malware Analysis The InnerHTML Apocalypse - How mXSS Attacks change everything we believed we knew so far Taming the ROPe on Sandy Bridge iSniff GPS Virtual Wardriving Bochspwn: Exploiting Kernel Race Conditions Found via Memory Access Patterns Revisiting Mac OS Kernel Rootkits Coaching a Squad of Allwinners Mountain Lion/iOS Vulnerability Garage Sale
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Presentaciones de la HITBSECCONF 2013 - Amsterdam

Ya tenemos entretenimiento para el fin de semana con las presentaciones de la conferencia sobre seguridad informática de la Hack In The Box 2013 celebrada en Amsterdam. CLOSING KEYNOTE - Winn Schwartau - The History of the Future of InfoSec.pdf D1 KEYNOTE - Edward Schwartz - Embracing the Uncertainty of Advanced Attacks with Big Data Analytics.pdf D1LAB - Didier Stevens - Windows x64 Essentials.pdf D1LAB - Itzik Kotler - Hack Like It's 2013.
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Presentaciones de la Rooted CON 2013

Ya tenemos disponibles las presentaciones de la Rooted CON 2013, uno de los congresos sobre seguridad informática de referencia de la scene española. Aquí tenéis el listado de las presentaciones: Juan A. Calles y Pablo González - Metasploit & Flu-AD: Avoiding AVs with Payloads/DLLs Injection Roberto Baratta - eFraude: ganar gestionando la derrota Vicente Díaz - Birds, bots and machines - Fraud in Twitter and how to detect it using MLT Albert López - Linux Heap Exploiting Revisited Joxean Koret - Interactive Static Analysis Tools for Vulnerability Discovery Jesús Olmos - ChromeHack, a html5/chrome webhack tool David Meléndez Cano - Trash Robotic Router Platform (TRRP) Antonio Ramos - ¿Y si la seguridad afectara al valor contable de la empresa?
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Presentaciones de CanSecWest Vancouver 2013

Pues como dice el título, ya están disponibles para descarga las presentaciones (diapositivas) de CanSecWest Vancouver 2013: Keynote iOS6.1 - Exploitation 280 Days Later Evil Maid Just Got Angrier: Why Full-Disk Encryption With TPM is Insecure on Many Systems Sandbox Escapes: When the Broker is Broken Reflecting on Reflection - Exploiting Reflection Vulnerabilities in Managed Languages An Android Hacker's Journey: Challenges in Android Security Research DEP/ASLR bypass without ROP/JIT SMS to Meterpreter - Fuzzing USB Modems Cracking and Analyzing Apple iCloud backups, Find My iPhone, Document Storage.
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Presentaciones de Black Hat Europe 2013

Ya tenemos disponible para descarga las presentaciones de la Black Hat 2013 Europe: A Perfect CRIME? Only TIME Will Tell White Paper Presentation Advanced Heap Manipulation in Windows 8 Presentation Building a Defensive Framework for Medical Device Security The Deputies Are Still Confused White Paper Presentation DropSmack: How Cloud Synchronization Services Render Your Corporate Firewall Worthless White Paper Presentation File File Floating Car Data from Smartphones: What Google and Waze Know About You and How Hackers Can Control Traffic White Paper Presentation Hacking Appliances: Ironic exploitation of security products White Paper Presentation Hacking Video Conferencing Systems White Paper Presentation Hardening Windows 8 apps for the Windows Store White Paper Harnessing GP²Us - Building Better Browser Based Botnets Presentation Honeypot That Can Bite: Reverse Penetration White Paper Presentation Hybrid Defense: How to Protect Yourself From Polymorphic 0-days White Paper Presentation File Invisibility Purge – Unmasking the Dormant Events of Invisible Web Controls – Advanced Hacking Methods for Asp.
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Presentaciones de la Linux Embedded Conference 2013

El pasado 20-22 de febrero se celebró en California la Linux Embedded Conference 2013. Un conferencia enfocada a los sistema Linux embebidos o empotrados. Si te interesan estos temas, ya puedes acceder a las presentaciones que se dieron: dventures in (simulated) Asymmetric Scheduling - Pantelis Antoniou, Antoniou Consulting (View Slides) Embedded Linux Takes on the Hard Problems of Automotive - Alison Chaiken, Mentor Embedded Software Division (View Slides) RFC: Obtaining Management Buy-in for Mainline Development - Kevin Chalmers, Texas Instruments, Inc.
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