PyCon US 2012 - Vídeos

Ya están disponibles los vídeos de la PyCon US 2012: Graph Processing in Python How to make your websites more accessible Introduction and Welcome DevOps for Python: Doing More With Less Documenting Your Project With Sphinx High Performance Python I High Performance Python II Introduction to Game Development Introduction to Interactive Predictive Analytics in Python with scikit-learn Optimize Performance and Scalability with Parallelism and Concurrency Plotting with matplotlib Python Epiphanies Social Network Analysis with Python Bayesian statistics made (as) simple (as possible) Data analysis in Python with pandas Django in Depth Faster Python Programs through Optimization How to get the most out of your PyPy Introduction to Django IPython in-depth: high-productivity interactive and parallel python Web scraping: Reliably and efficiently pull data from pages that don't expect it Writing a Pyramid application
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