Vídeos de la Infiltrate 2015

Ya está disponibles los vídeos de la Infiltrate 2015, conferencia sobre seguridad informática celebrada el pasado mes de abril en Miami, Florida. Los vídeos publicados son los siguientes: Alex Ionescu Insection: AWEsomely Exploiting Shared Memory Objects Ram Shankar & Sacha Faust Data Driven Offense Neil Archibald Modern Objective-C Exploitation James Forshaw A Link to the Past: Abusing Symbolic Links on Windows Rusty Wagner & Jordan Wiens Hacking Games in a Hacked Game Infiltrate2015 BJJ Open Mat - part 2 Infiltrate2015 BJJ Open Mat - Part 1 Braden Thomas Technical Keynote: Practical Attacks on DOCSIS Nathan Rittenhouse Problems in Symbolic Fuzzing Joaquim Espinhara & Rafael Silva MIMOSAWRITERROUTER - Abusing EPC on Cisco Router to collect data Patrick Wardle Writing Bad@ss OS X Malware Jacob Torrey HARES: Hardened Anti-Reverse Engineering System Ray Boisvert [keynote] Abyss or Turning Point: Strategy Skills and Tradecraft in the Age of 21st Century Warfare
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