Go Null Yourself 6

La revista sobre seguridad Go Null Yourself ha lanzado un nuevo número, el 6. El índice de este ejemplar es el siguiente: 0x01 Introduction 0x02 Editorials 0x03 Floating Point Numbers Suck dan 0x04 duper's Code Corner duper 0x05 How Skynet Works: An Intro to Neural Networks elchupathingy 0x06 Defeating NX/DEP With return-to-libc and ROP storm 0x07 A New Kind of Google Mining Shadytel, Inc 0x08 Stupid Shell Tricks teh crew 0x09 An Introduction to Number Theory dan 0x0a Information Security Careers Cheatsheet Dan Guido 0x0b Interview with Dan Rosenberg (bliss) teh crew 0x0c Et Cetera, Etc.
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