Diapositivas de Intro to Computer & Network Security & Applied Cryptography

David Brumley Intro to Computer & Network Security & Applied Cryptography es otra de las clases impartidas por la Universidad de Carniege Mellon en las que han publicado las diapositivas de la misma. Esta clase se impartió el otoño pasado. Ésta fue impartida por David Brumley, mentor facultativo del equipo PPP. Las diapositivas son: 01_introduction.pdf 02_compilation.pdf 03-controlflow-attack.pdf 05-controlflow-defense.pdf 06-CFI.pdf 07-08-web-security.pdf 09-typesafety-theory.pdf 10-information-flow-overview.pdf 11-malware.pdf 12-crypto-intro.pdf 13-crypto-block-ciphers.pdf 14-crypto-mac-hashes.pdf 15-crypto-public-key.pdf 16-crypto-authenticated-encryption-protocols.pdf 17-netsec-intro.pdf 18-netsec-firewall-ids.
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La CMU publica el material de su clase Secure Software Systems

La facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica e Informática de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon, ha publicado el material de una de sus clases, llamada Secure Software Systems. Las diapositivas de la clase son las siguientes: Introduction [pdf] System model: Source code to execution [pdf] Attacks: Buffer overflows, format-string vulnerabilities, and other attacks [pdf] Basic building blocks: separation, memory protection [pdf] Basic building blocks: VMs, Java sandboxing [pdf] Isolation and confinement in Android [pdf] Control-flow integrity [pdf] Run-time enforcement: enforceable properties [pdf] Web attacks [pdf] Web defenses: Native client, app isolation [pdf] Crypto overview [pdf]; software security architectures: Trusted Computing Software security architectures: Trusted Computing + policy Static analysis: C programs Static analysis: web applications Static analysis: malware Dynamic analysis Software model checking Software model checking Software model checking Building verifiable systems: seL4, browsers Language-based security: type systems Language-based security: typed assembly language Language-based security: noninterference Dynamic taint analysis Language-based security: security-typed languages Usability in software security Usable Security: Passwords (Part 1) Usable Security: Passwords (Part 2) Wrap-up Con cada clase, se recomienda algún tipo de lectura que podréis encontrar en el enlace del curso.
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Análisis de código binario y sistemas de seguridad

Cada vez son más las universidades que están publicando el material de sus clases. Ya publicamos la semana pasada sobre un Curso sobre seguridad ofensiva por la Universidad del Estado de Florida. Ahora la Universidad de Texas en Dallas es la que ha publicado el material de su curso titulado System Security and Binary Code Analysis. En éste se cubren los siguientes temas: Memory exploits (buffer overflows, format strings, integer overflows, etc.
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Curso de seguridad ofensiva

W. Owen Redwood profesor de la Universidad del Estado de Florida ha publicado el material de la clase que imparte junto a Prof. Xiuwen Liu sobre seguridad ofensiva. La clase está programada para ser impartida en 15 semanas de la siguiente forma: Week 1 (Intro / Overview) Lecture 1: Intro, Ethics, & Overview Lecture 2: Linux Overview Week 2 (Overview / Code Auditing) Lecture 3: Windows Overview Lecture 4: Rootkits; Code Auditing Week 3 (Reverse Engineering Workshop Week) Lecture 5: x86 Reverse engineering Lecture 6: x86 Reverse engineering 2 Week 4 (Exploit Development) Lecture 7: Fuzzing and Exploit Development 101 Lecture 8: Shellcode and Exploit Development 102 Week 5 (Exploit Dev / Networking) Lecture 9: Exploit Development 103: SEH Exploitation, Heap Sprays, and Executable Security Mechanisms Lecture 10: Networking 101: Data Layer, Link Layer, and IP layer Week 6 (Networking / Web Application Hacking) Lecture 11: Networking 102: TCP layer, Important Protocols, Services, Portscanning, ARP Lecture 12: Web application Hacking 101 Week 7 (Web Application Hacking) Lecture 13: Web Application Hacking 102: Big picture of topics so far, SQLi, XSS Lecture 14: Web Application Hacking 103: SSL attacks, advanced techniques Week 8 (Web Application Hacking / Exploit dev) Lecture 15: Web Application Hacking 104 & Exploit Development 104 Lecture 16: Midterm review & Exploit Development 105 (ROP) Week 9: (Special Topics) Lecture 17: The Modern History of Cyber Warfare Lecture 18: Social Engineering Week 10 (Metaspl0it): Lecture 19: Metasploit Week 11 (Post Exploitation and Forensics): Lecture 20: Meterpreter and Post Exploitation Lecture 21: Volatility and Incident Response: Week 12 (Physical Security): Lecture 22: Physical Security Workshop: Lockpicking, USB mischief, and BacNET/SCADA system security Week 13 (Malware / Student Presentations): Lecture 23: Advanced Malware Techniques Week 14-15 (Student Presentations) Algunas de las sesiones no contienen vídeo según parece por problemas técnicos, pero los recursos y las diapositivas están disponibles a excepción de la sesión sobre malware.
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Introducción a la criptografía y la seguridad de datos

Esta es una serie de lecturas, 23 en concreto, impartida por el profesor Christof Paar de la Ruhr University Bochum, Alemania en la que nos introduce al mundo de la criptografía y la seguridad de los datos. Christof Paar además tiene escrito un libro sobre la materia con muy buenas críticas. Y en la web del mismo, además tienes más vídeos y las diapositivas de éstos. La lista de los vídeos es la siguiente:
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Curso audiovisual sobre Machine Learning

En la web del Instituto de Tecnología de California podemos encontrar un serie de vídeos orientados a la enseñanza de Machine Learning, titulado Learning from Data. Técnica ampliamente usada en el campo de la inteligencia artificial, dónde básicamente nuestra aplicación estudia el entorno en el que se encuentra para aprender más sobre el mismo y así poder tomar decisiones. El índice de los vídeos es el siguiente: Bayesian Learning Validity of the Bayesian approach (prior, posterior, unknown versus probabilistic) Bias-Variance Tradeoff Basic derivation (overfit and underfit, approximation-generalization tradeoff) Example (sinusoidal target function) Noisy case (Bias-variance-noise decomposition) Bin Model Hoeffding Inequality (law of large numbers, sample, PAC) Relation to learning (from bin to hypothesis, training data) Multiple bins (finite hypothesis set, learning: search for green sample) Union Bound (uniform inequality, M factor) Data Snooping Definition and analysis (data contamination, model selection) Ensemble Learning Overview of aggregation methods (boosting, blending, before and after the fact) Error Measures User-specified error function (pointwise error, CIA, supermarket) Gradient Descent Basic method (Batch GD) (first-order optimization) Discussion (initialization, termination, local minima, second-order methods) Stochastic Gradient Descent (the algorithm, SGD in action) Initialization - Neural Networks (random weights, perfect symmetry) Learning Curves Definition and illustration (complex models versus simple models) Linear Regression example (learning curves for noisy linear target) Learning Diagram Components of learning (target function, hypothesis set, learning algorithm) Input probability distribution (unknown distribution, bin, Hoeffding) Error measure (role in learning algorithm) Noisy targets (target distribution) Where the VC analysis fits (affected blocks in learning diagram) Learning Paradigms Types of learning (supervised, reinforcement, unsupervised, clustering) Other paradigms (review, active learning, online learning) Linear Classification The Perceptron (linearly separable data, PLA) Pocket algorithm (non-separable data, comparison with PLA) Linear Regression The algorithm (real-valued function, mean-squared error, pseudo-inverse) Generalization behavior (learning curves for linear regression) Logistic Regression The model (soft threshold, sigmoid, probability estimation) Cross entropy error (maximum likelihood) The algorithm (gradient descent) Netflix Competition Movie rating (singular value decomposition, essence of machine learning) Applying SGD (stochastic gradient descent, SVD factors) Neural Networks Biological inspiration (limits of inspiration) Multilayer perceptrons (the model and its power and limitations) Neural Network model (feedforward layers, soft threshold) Backpropagation algorithm (SGD, delta rule) Hidden layers (interpretation) Regularization (weight decay, weight elimination, early stopping) Nonlinear Transformation Basic method (linearity in the parameters, Z space) Illustration (non-separable data, quadratic transform) Generalization behavior (VC dimension of a nonlinear transform) Occam's Razor Definition and analysis (definition of complexity, why simpler is better) Overfitting The phenomenon (fitting the noise) A detailed experiment (Legendre polynomials, types of noise) Deterministic noise (target complexity, stochastic noise) Radial Basis Functions Basic RBF model (exact interpolation, nearest neighbor) K Centers (Lloyd's algorithm, unsupervised learning, pseudo-inverse) RBF network (neural networks, local versus global, EM algorithm) Relation to other techniques (SVM kernel, regularization) Regularization Introduction (putting the brakes, function approximation) Formal derivation (Legendre polynomials, soft-order constraint, augmented error) Weight decay (Tikhonov, smoothness, neural networks) Augmented error (proxy for out-of-sample error, choosing a regularizer) Regularization parameter (deterministic noise, stochastic noise) Sampling Bias Definition and analysis (Truman versus Dewey, matching the distributions) Support Vector Machines SVM basic model (hard margin, constrained optimization) The solution (KKT conditions, Lagrange, dual problem, quadratic programming) Soft margin (non-separable data, slack variables) Nonlinear transform (Z space, support vector pre-images) Kernel methods (generalized inner product, Mercer's condition, RBF kernel) Validation Introduction (validation versus regularization, optimistic bias) Model selection (data contamination, validation set versus test set) Cross Validation (leave-one-out, 10-fold cross validation) VC Dimension Growth function (dichotomies, Hoeffding Inequality) Examples (growth function for simple hypothesis sets) Break points (polynomial growth functions, puzzle) Bounding the growth function (mathematical induction, polynomial bound) Definition of VC Dimension (shattering, distribution-free, Vapnik-Chervonenkis) VC Dimension of Perceptrons (number of parameters, lower and upper bounds) Interpreting the VC Dimension (degrees of freedom, Number of examples) Además cada vídeo está acompañado de las diapositivas que el profesor usa, así como los deberes asignados en el mismo.
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Mini curso gratuito sobre desarrollo de aplicaciones para iPad

Desde la Universidad de Carnegie Mellon, podemos acceder a un curso audiovisual totalmente gratuito sobre una introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones para iPad y está formado por tres clases. El curso está alojado en iTunes y este es el índice: Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Objective-C Lecture 3: InfoViz with Maps / MVC & Interface Builder
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Curso audiovisual basado en el libro Understanding Cryptography

En http://wiki.crypto.rub.de han tienen publicado una clase sobre criptografía usando como libro base Understanding Cryptography. El curso está dividido en 13 apartados: 1 - Introduction to Cryptography 2 - Streamciphers 3 - DES and Alternatives 4 - AES 5 - More about Block Ciphers 6 - Intro to Public-Key Crypto 7 - RSA 8 - Discrete Logarithm Based Crypto 9 - Elliptic Curve Cryptos 10 - Digital Signatures 11 - Hash Functions 12 - Message Authentication Codes (MACs) 13 - Key Establishment En cada apartado puedes ver el/los vídeos del mismo.
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