Vídeos de la CarolinaCon 7 2011

Vídeos de la CarolinaCon celebrada del pasado 29 de Abril al 1 de Mayo. Why your password policy sucks - Martin (purehate) Bos Serial Killers: USB as an Attack Vector - Nick Fury Dissecting the Hack: Malware Analysis 101 - Gerry Brunelle Security Lessons from Cracking Enigma - Lisa Lorenzin TTL of a penetration - Branson Matheson There's An App For That: Pentesting Moble - Joe McCray Mackerel: A Progressive School of Cryptographic Thought - Justin Troutman Kippos and bits and bits and bits: Fun with SSH honeypotting - Chris Teodorski Hack from a Library with Katana - JP "
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